Monday, June 13, 2011

Wednesday, June 15

COMBINED ACTIVITY_ Bike ride down Provo Canyon, meet at the church with your bike, helmet, and water at 6:00 SHARP!!

Possibly pizza later

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, Communications

Tonight we will be working on our communications merit badge. We will meet at the church at 7:00 PM and head over to the library. There we will use the computers to fulfill the following requirement:

"Create a web page or blog of special interest to you (for instance, your troop or crew, a hobby, or a sport).. Include at least three articles or entries and one photograph or illustration, and one link to some other Web page or blog that would be helpful to someone who visits the Web page or blog you have created. It is not necessary to post your Web page or blog to the Internet, but if you decide to do so, you must first share it with your parents and counselor and get their permission."

Blogs will be kept private initially so there will be no public dissemination of material. After they have met the requirements and I have viewed the blogs they can be deleted.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Don't forget we are doing some weed control for the county in Wallsburg tonight! We are meeting at the Church at 5PM sharp! we will be marking noxious weeks for the county to come back later to clean up. SEE YOU THERE!